July 14, 2011
Report: ‘STEM’ Workers Are Highly Educated, Highly Paid

A new report from the U.S. Commmerce Department, "STEM: Good Jobs Now and for the Future," profiling employment in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields, shows STEM workers on average make 16% more than non-STEM workers.

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The U.S. Department of Commerce's Economics and Statistics Administration (ESA) prepared the report, which profiles the fast-growing, productive STEM workforce and illustrates how we can win the future by encouraging the pursuit of 21st century jobs in science, technology, engineering and mathematics," U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke said. "STEM jobs are essential to a competitive, innovative and technologically advanced U.S. economy."

In 2010, 7.6 million people or 5.5 percent of the labor force worked in STEM occupations. Key findings from the new report show that over the past 10 years, growth in STEM jobs was three times greater than that of non-STEM jobs, and STEM jobs are expected to continue to grow at a faster rate than other jobs in the coming decade. Meanwhile, STEM workers are also less likely to experience joblessness.

Further findings show STEM workers command higher wages, earning 26 percent more than their non-STEM counterparts. STEM degree holders also enjoy higher earnings, regardless of whether they work in STEM or non-STEM occupations. Likewise, college graduates, no matter what their major, enjoy an earnings premium for having a STEM job.

"A STEM education is a pathway to prosperity, not just for you as an individual, but for America as a whole," asid U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan. "We need you in our classrooms, labs and key government agencies to help solve our biggest challenges, and that's why we are investing heavily to promote STEM education."

In comparison to the average worker, STEM workers are highly educated. More than two-thirds of STEM workers have at least a college degree, compared to less than one-third of non-STEM workers.

"We applaud the administration's strong and sustained commitment to promoting STEM education as a national priority," said James Brown, executive director of the STEM Education Coalition. "Our country's current and future economic prosperity and ability to innovate absolutely depend on a robust, high-quality STEM workforce. If we are to keep up with our global competitors, we must step up our nation's efforts to improve and encourage STEM education."

STEM: Good Jobs Now and for the Future is based on analysis to date from the U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey and Current Population Survey. In this report, STEM jobs are defined to include professional and technical support occupations in the fields of computer science and mathematics, engineering, and life and physical sciences. The STEM occupation list contains 50 detailed occupation codes. A copy of the ESA report can be found on the ESA website.

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