Thirty-five percent of women and eight percent of men say they are paid less than their counterparts of the opposite gender who have similar experience and qualifications, according to a recent survey.
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Overall, 35 percent of the 1,400 women who participated in the survey said they are paid less than male counterparts who have similar experiences and qualifications in their organizations, up from 31 percent in 2003.
Younger female workers were less likely to say that they perceived a pay disparity at their employers than older women were. Thirty percent of female workers age 21 to 35 say they are paid less than equally qualified males, compared with 35 percent of female workers aged 36 to 50 and 43 percent of female workers between the aged of 51 to 65 age bracket.
Meanwhile, 32 percent of women said that their employers offer fewer career advancement options to women than they do to men, notes Rosemary Haefner, vice president of human resources at
Eight percent of the 575 men who participated in the survey said they are paid less than their female counterparts who have similar experience and qualifications. Fifteen percent said their employers afford women more career advancement opportunities in their organizations.