July 30, 2008
The Most Recession-Proof Jobs
Jobholders in the sales representative or business development profession are "best able to weather continued job erosion in the weakened U.S. economy," according to a new report.

The Jobfox report identifies professions "that have most consistently remained in highest demand" between the 8-month period of November 2007 through July 2008.

"During this critical period of economic slowdown, these are the professionals who have been least affected by six consecutive months of job losses in the United States," Jobfox's CEO, Rob McGovern, said in press release announcing the report. "Difficult times, unfortunately, are already here for many low-skilled workers. However, Jobfox continues to see aggressive hiring activity for many critical positions."

Here are the top five most recession-proof professions, according to the Jobfox report:

  1. Sales Representative/Business Development.
  2. Software Design/Development.
  3. Nursing.
  4. Accounting & Finance Executive.
  5. Accounting Staff.

Jobfox, a job-candidate matching site, explains that sales reps "remain in high demand as companies battle for revenue and market share in a sluggish marketplace." Meanwhile, Jobfox esplains that, according to U.S. Department of Labor data, software engineers are expected to be one of the "fastest-growing occupations through 2016." The continued demand for nurses will remain strong (and likely become greater)as Baby Boomers age. Finally, Jobfox notes that "[t]ougher accounting and auditing regulations are mostly responsible for continued growth of accounting and finance functions."

Jobfox's complete "Top 20" list of the Most Recession-Proof Professions is available at

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