June 26, 2009
CDC Introduces Site to Help Employers Combat Obesity

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has unveiled a new website designed to help employers address obesity.

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The website is LEANWorks! LEAN stands for Leading Employees to Activity and Nutrition.

"CDC has identified science-based interventions that work to prevent and control obesity,” says William Dietz, director of CDC's Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity. “CDC LEANWorks! provides the tools that employers need to take action."

The Website provides a variety of resources to employers including:

  • An obesity cost-calculator where employers can input employee demographic data to estimate the total costs associated with obesity and determine annual obesity-related medical costs for their organizations.
  • Information and resources to help employers plan, build, promote, and assess interventions to combat obesity.
  • Information on how employers can estimate return on investment, a measure of the cost of an intervention compared to the expected financial return of the intervention.

CDC visited select employers to identify promising worksite obesity prevention and control practices. The website provides case studies from some of those businesses to provide examples of successful worksite obesity prevention programs.

"Workplace obesity prevention programs can be an effective way for employers to reduce obesity and lower their health care costs, lower absenteeism and increase employee productivity," sys Dietz. “Employers may also see other indirect benefits when they implement these programs such as improved employee morale, increased worker retention, and improved recruitment of new employees."


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