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 112 items in 6 pages
Hiring Surprising Many, Unemployment Rate Declines to 3.9% 10/06/2000
Hiring Jump in September Job Cuts 10/06/2000
Hiring The Talent Wars Continue&with High Tech Workers the Prize 10/09/2000
Training UAW and DaimlerChrysler Announce Distance College Learning Program 10/10/2000
Termination (with Discharge) California Decision Makes Firing Easier 10/11/2000
Compensation Administration CEO Pay: The More Things Change... 10/13/2000
Overtime Supreme Court Says Overtime an Essential Function 10/13/2000
Hours of Work Technology Has Done Little to Change Hours Spent at Work 10/16/2000
Leave of Absence (FMLA) Employers Beware: Substituting Accrued Paid Leave for FMLA 10/16/2000
Moving Expenses/ Relocation Transplacement Now Shifting to Men, Significant Others 10/17/2000
Social Security/ Medicare Females Could Get Come up Short in Social Security Investment Accounts 10/18/2000
Unemployment Compensation Year-end or Holiday Rewards Are Alive and Well 12/15/2000
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