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 322 items in 17 pages
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Video: White Collar Exemptions from Overtime Explained 01/04/2016
Benefits Video: Why should employers consider offering paid leave? 01/06/2016
Healthcare Insurance IRS extends ACA reporting due dates 01/06/2016
Leave of Absence (FMLA) FMLA and ADA Interplay: What are an employer's leave requirements? 01/07/2016
Healthcare Insurance IRS issues welcome clarification on ACA safe harbors 01/11/2016
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Home care final rule: DOL issues guidance 01/12/2016
Benefits Video: Advantages for employers who provide paid leave 01/13/2016
Benefits Benefits outsourcing is growing, survey reveals 01/14/2016
Benefits Communication How to painlessly communicate employee equity compensation programs 01/14/2016
Leave of Absence (FMLA) FMLA and ADA Interplay: How are employee benefits impacted during ADA, FMLA leave? 01/14/2016
Vacations Vacation time: You may offer it, but do employees take it? 01/15/2016
Retirement PBGC paid nearly $6 billion in pension benefits to retirees in 2015 01/18/2016
Overtime Video: Executive Exemption from Overtime Explained 01/18/2016
Leave of Absence (FMLA) DOL makes the case for paid leave 01/19/2016
Wellness Court OKs required wellness assessment to participate in employer’s health insurance plan 01/19/2016
Leave of Absence (FMLA) Expect more on-site FMLA investigations in 2016 01/21/2016
Leave of Absence (FMLA) FMLA and ADA Interplay: When is intermittent leave allowed under FMLA and ADA? 01/21/2016
Overtime Video: Administrative Exemption from Overtime Explained 01/25/2016
Leave of Absence (FMLA) FMLA and ADA Interplay: Reinstatement rights under the FMLA and ADA 01/28/2016
Overtime Video: Professional Exemption from Overtime Explained 02/01/2016
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